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Eber and Wein Poetry Contest


The Free Contest Scheme
Pay to Play Anthologies

The Free Contest Scheme

In this version of the vanity anthology scheme, writers are targeted via a free contest.

Here's how it works. The anthology company announces a writing contest (announcements may appear in newspapers, writers' magazines, sponsored search engine ads, and on the company's website), with cash prizes for the finalists and publication in an anthology for finalists and semi-finalists. Usually, there are no entry fees. Writers can often submit as many poems, stories, or articles as they wish.

The contest isn't a real contest, however. There may be some degree of selectivity, but if so, it's minimal–the majority of  writers who submit are declared semi-finalists and offered publication, regardless of quality. The company then asks for money. Even if purchase of the anthology isn't a condition of publication, writers are pressured to buy the book in which their entry will appear (or several, to give to family and friends), often with offers of special pre-publication discounts. The company may also sell adjunct services or merchandise–critiques or editing, adding a biography, having a poem or story read onto audio tape, having a poem embossed on a coffee mug or a plaque…the list goes on.

Unlike true anthologies, which are sold to readers, vanity anthologies are sold primarily to contributors. Iliad Press, Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum, The Amherst Society, The Poets' Guild, Poetry Press, Poetry Unlimited, The National Archives, MW Publishing, Eber and Wein, and Appelley Publishing are just a few of the many present and past anthology companies that either require or pressure writers to buy the anthology in which their writing appears.

Most vanity anthologizers target poets, but there are also anthologies for short stories, nonfiction articles, and photography. Though vanity anthology companies are principally based in the US, vanity anthologizing is an international phenomenon–for instance, the Poetry Institute of Canada and the Poetry Institute of Australia (now defunct).

For the most part, vanity anthologizers do publish the promised books, and writers who buy books or merchandise do get what they pay for. So most vanity anthology schemes don't quite qualify as scams.

They are deceptive and misleading, however–especially since so many anthologizers portray their anthologies as a real literary credit that writers can be proud of. In reality, the anthologies are available by special order only, with most sold to the contributors themselves or to their friends and families. Because of the poor quality of most of the poems, anthology credits are not respected by publishing professionals–no matter what the anthology companies' literature says.

Sadly, many authors are taken in by this deception, which is aided by magazines and newspapers that report on local writers' inclusion in vanity anthologies as if they were a genuine literary market. Elderly people are a particular target, as are teens–some vanity anthologizers specialize in soliciting teachers, who don't realize that the anthologies aren't a legitimate venue and are very willing to recruit student participants.


The International Library of Poetry, known online as (a.k.a. The International Society of Poets, The International Poetry Hall of Fame, and a number of others) was the Godzilla of the vanity anthology world, and its methods were the model for dozens of other, less prolific anthology schemes.

The ILP put out two or three anthologies every year–big, thick hardbound books that contained thousands of poems crowded together on thin pages–and its contest ads were ubiquitous online and in writers' magazines. Semi-finalists (e.g., just about everyone who submitted) were offered dozens of ways to spend money beyond the purchase of books, and the ILP was relentless in its solicitation of those who entered its contests, encouraging them to enter yet more contests, offering opportunities to join poets' societies (which demanded $100 or more in annual dues) or attend poetry conferences (which cost as much as $600, travel and hotel not included). Often, celebrities and professional poets gave these events a false veneer of respectability.

In April 2009, the ILP went out of business. Its notorious domain, including all the poems published on the site, was acquired by self-publishing service, and later by a company called Newton Rhymes. For a while, the site continued to operate as a forum for amateur poets (without, thankfully, the vanity anthologies) but in 2018 all content vanished, and all that remains now is a "Coming Soon" message.

Writer Beware hears from many poets wanting to find the poems they posted on Here's a possible idea for retrieving your poetry: using the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine to search archived versions of

  • Open up at takes snapshots of every single page on the Internet. They have approximately 461,880 pages saved from over the past 21 years.
  • I suggest picking a date near the mid 2017 as they were the most likely to load for me and see if you can find your public profile.
  • You WILL NOT be able to log in to your old account. Remember, this is just a snapshot of what the website looked like at a certain point in time. It is NOT a functioning website. The search feature will NOT WORK either.
  • You can also try opening to see the full list of poems.
  • If you happen to have a URL bookmarked where your poems were once stored, plug that URL directly into instead. may be gone, along with many of the older anthologizers, but the scheme lives on, updated for the digital age. Eber and Wein, Z Publishing House, and Appelley Publishing are a few that carry on the tradition.

Pay to Play Anthologies

In this version of the vanity anthology scheme, writers must pay for inclusion in the anthology, often by buying large numbers of finished books or other merchandise.

Pay to play anthologies typically are nonfiction, usually on subjects of general or inspirational interest, and actively capitalize on their superficial similarity to successful series like the Chicken Soup books (which, by the way, not only don't require author payments, but offer a small honorarium to contributors). Writers are often targeted by spamming, but also by legitimate-looking calls for submission. None of these solicitations mention that a cash outlay is involved–you usually have to dig pretty deep into the submission guidelines to find that out.

For instance, the Wake Up…Live the Life You Love series of anthologies requires contributors to buy up to 500 books at a cost of several thousand dollars, and boasts that its anthologies include articles by such well-known figures as Dr. Wayne Dyer and Tony Robbins (likely, these are articles that the series owner has bought a license to re-use). The anthologies published by Inspired Living Publishing require contributors to pay thousands of dollars for "marketing packages" that include not just large numbers of books, but various promotional aids of dubious effectiveness.

The companies make a big point of emphasizing how much profit writers can realize if they sell the books, since they're purchasing them for less than list price. But for someone who doesn't already have a captive audience, it's not so easy to flog several hundred books. It's much more likely that contributors will never get their money back.

Pay to play anthologies tout themselves as an opportunity for entrepreneurs and business owners to enhance their professional images by presenting themselves as published authors and using the anthology as a kind of business card. For someone with plenty of money to spare, might this be a reasonable form of publicity?

Possibly, given that the general public has no idea that these schemes exist and won't know you bought your publishing credit–and assuming that the anthologies are professionally produced and edited (not a guarantee–this is definitely a case of try before you buy), and that the anthology company will actually send you the books you purchase.

But if you're seriously considering paying for something like this, ask yourself whether it's worth laying out several thousand dollars just to be able to say you got published in an anthology series no one ever heard of–and whether you really want several hundred books that will probably wind up occupying a dark corner of your basement.


Pay to Play Anthologies

  • From Writer Beware's blog: an expose of Inspired Living Publishing, which charges between $2,197 and $5,497 for inclusion in its anthologies.
  • Also from Writer Beware's blog: Wake Up…Live the Life You Love, another pay to play anthology, which requires contributors to either buy 200 books for $2,697, or 500 books for $5,497 (at the higher number, authors get their names on the cover!)

Free Contest Schemes

  • The Library of Congress offers a helpful guide to amateur poetry anthologies, along with a list of vanity anthologizers.
  • From Writer Beware's blog, a look at some of the most currently active vanity anthologizers: Eber & Wein, a.k.a. Poetry Nation (there's some evidence to indicate that this company is helmed by a former executive of; Z Publishing House, Appelley Publishing.
  • Contests and services to avoid, from Winning Writers.
  • This helpful article by Kristin Johnson lists the Seven Deadly Signs of Poetry Scams.
  • Anne R. Allen on what writers should know–and beware–about anthologies: Anthologies: Great Opportunities for New Writers, but Beware Scams
  • Johnathon Clifford offers warnings about vanity publishing in the UK, including UK-based vanity anthologies.
  • Poet Beware, my own article on the many scams and pitfalls that lie in wait for poets (originally published in the 2004 Poet's Market). It includes an explanation of why poets should not waste their time searching for a literary agent.
  • An extensive article on the scam, from Margo Stever at Poets & Writers.
  • The Wergle Flomp Poetry Contest, sponsored by–awarded for the best parody poem sent to a vanity poetry contest.
  • The sidesplitting exploits of the real Wergle Flomp (poet David Taub) and his (futile) efforts to get rejected by the International Library of Poetry.

Publishing Poetry Legitimately

  • From Writer Beware's blog: Why poets shouldn't waste time looking for literary agents.
  • Excellent tips on how to sell poetry legitimately, from published poet Neile Graham.
  • A helpful writing and publishing FAQ, from the Academy of American Poets.

Links checked/Page updated: 4/9/20

Except for graphics, and where specifically indicated, all Writer Beware® contents copyright © Victoria Strauss


Eber and Wein Poetry Contest
