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Funny Spoken Poetry About Love

Funny Spoken Word Poems

These Funny Spoken Word poems are examples of Spoken Word poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Spoken Word Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Who Am I

This may seem lame.  Let's make it a game. I'll give you a clue. You try to guess who.  Proceeding my entrance by just a short while, Is often...

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Categories: humor, riddle, spoken word,

Premium Member ONLY HUMAN

            I'm only human known to have put my foot in my mouth more than a few times  it's why I hesitate to speak up I fear regretting things I...

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Categories: spoken word, wisdom, words,

Premium Member Tongue Tanglers

To write a tongue twister is not funny mister I just don't know where to begin There's one that I've written with which I'm quite smitten But I'd...

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Categories: spoken word,

Premium Member The Old Scribe

My old scribe said sit and I will tell you a story,             ...

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Categories: computer, poetry, spoken word,

Premium Member OVERSHARING

              Not all thoughts Are meant to be shared Harness those loose lips  Use your judgment Self-censoring is a must  Channel those self-righteous comments Remarks that are distasteful Inappropriate and obnoxious·  What you...

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Categories: spoken word, angst, bullying, change, character,

Premium Member Blip

Blip  This is a short poem.  Not a long one like the rest.  (not haiku) This is about time,  and saying a lot in a small space. Updates...

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Categories: spoken word, courage, heartbreak, heaven, mental


Your words ripped her apart, you are beautiful but they judge her from afar, she walks around with a scarred heart. Her feelings of hating...

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Categories: spoken word, 12th grade, cheer up,

Premium Member Smile Stand Select

Why look so sad?                     ...

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Categories: funny, smile, spoken word,

Premium Member The Last Word

Divorce Decree The Last Word... 	 You and me,  we are free... from each other.  You should be happy,  I no longer have the right; to make your dinner,  clean your...

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Categories: spoken word, abuse, age, angel, divorce,

The Mysterious Word

What is this word…?  The word like a hummer that breaks every yolk The word like glue that seals blessings like a padlock The word that created heavens...

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Categories: spoken word, africa, christian, spiritual, spoken


              I dreamt I was a big success a public speaker much sought after I was in such high demand forever invited to travel the world  One day I was up north in Nunavut that's...

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Categories: animal, funny, spoken word,

Premium Member If I

If I  Were exactly what you needed… you would be mine now.  I would sadly die however,  as… if that were true?  I would be in heaven....

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Categories: spoken word, butterfly, hope, marriage, moving


Sijui ni wangapi wata'define my history, Wakitumia hii story. But kitu najua ni ati nkifa, maybe; Walevi ndo watachangisha doh kwa matanga, na maybe; Wengi watasema Marto alikuwa tanker. Na ukijaribu ksema...

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Categories: spoken word, art, break up, drink,

My Father's Kingdom,

Everything the sun touches Is his domain. The broken pickup trucks,  Trailers to broken to be habitable, Beer cans that rustles in the wind, like tumbleweeds in...

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Categories: society, son, spoken word,

The Boston Tea Party - 1773

An ancestor known as, "Miss Lottie" Was a New York socialite "hottie" To her lasting disgrace She slapped Paul Revere's face When he invited her to the p-ah-ty...

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Categories: spoken word, america, confusion, funny, history,

Funny Spoken Poetry About Love
