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Dr Christopher's Three Day Cleansing Program and Mucusless Diet

Anytime someone tells me they want to do the Master/Lemonade Cleanse, I tell them to try this one first. It's only 3 days, gives you more options, and you eliminate at least one gallon of toxic lymph a day. Not to say the Master Cleanse is bad. It served me well, but I believe it needs to be tweaked for the 21st century, and therefore worthy of an entirely separate post.

This cleanse (also written decades ago) is very effective. I include it, and my thoughts on the Master Cleanse For The 21st Century along with 20+ other cleanses in my book. Both these cleanses (and other fasting ones) are best done in warmer months when we tend to eat less. Although.. weaning yourself off food beforehand will not leave you hungry. This cleanse actually keeps you full. Whenever I do a cleanse for the first time, I do as written (at least once). After that I may or may not tweak it a bit. This is why there are so many variations to one cleanse, and the reason I created my liver stimulating cleanse. Below you'll see how I added to this one, this time.

Before writing this off, if you answer YES to any of these questions you may change your mind. It is specifically designed to rid your body of harmful mucus. It's a powerful, short, simple, and inexpensive cleanse with more options than any other cleanse I've tried. Excess mucus in the body is responsible for developing tumors, cysts, pain, premature aging, and death. It's like a web in your body that traps toxins, disease, and parasites.

  • Do you find yourself needing to clear your throat during or after meals?
  • Is postnasal drip a problem?
  • Do you wake up having to blow your nose and/or spit out mucus?
  • Are recurring colds and flu a problem?
  • Are you experiencing hearing or vision problems?

This 3-day routine is Part One of a three-part program in Dr. Christopher's booklet,The Three Day Cleansing Program, Mucusless Diet & Herbal Combinations. Part 2 of this cleanse consists of an ongoing diet to eliminate mucus from the body, and the third part consists of herbal combinations. I cover the three-day juice cleanse (the first part) and I briefly mention the foods to avoid from Part 2.

Here's Dr. Christopher's modified version of the original Mucus Cleanse designed by the late Professor Arnold Ehret.

Mucus Cleanse supplies

Ingredients needed for one person:

  • • 3 quarts prune juice
  • • 9 ounces olive oil
  • • 3 gallons juice (apple, carrot, grape OR citrus)
  • • 3 gallons water (distilled or reverse osmosis are best)

** optional – cayenne/african bird pepper

Try purchasing the above ingredients organic, raw, unfiltered, local, and/or with no sugar added. Select a juice that you will be able to drink for the entire three days. This time around… my apple juice was not organic, but it is unfiltered from pressed whole apples. Olive oil was local, the rest are certified organic.

Before starting this cleanse, you may consider writing out one main schedule to check off daily. This helpsMucus Cleanse Schedulekeep me from forgetting or mixing up which drink to drink when – it also acts as a countdown to a healthier me.

Suggested Time Schedule:

7:30 a.m. – 16 ounces prune juice and 1 – 2 tablespoons olive oil

8:00 a.m. – 8 ounces or more juice you have chosen for the 3 days

8:30 a.m. – 8 ounces or more water

Continue alternating juice and water every half hour until noon.

12:00 p.m. – 8 ounces or more prune juice and 1 –2 tablespoons olive oil

Continue alternating juice and water every half hour until 5:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. – 8 ounces or more prune juice and 1 – 2 tablespoons olive oil.

Continue alternating juice and water every half hour until early evening.

8:00 p.m. – 8 ounces water every hour until retiring.

I've used apple or carrot juice only (thus far). I've had great results with both. I also like adding the olive oil to the prune juice rather than take it separately. To this I add african bird pepper (100,000 or more heat units) to taste. Great for circulation, energy and ridding body of mucus.

This cleanse will have you visiting the bathroom often, especially after the noon prune drink. You may eliminate so often that the toilet seat never has a chance to cool down, no kidding. You will have frequent urination as well; but… with it goes the toxins that are causing you to age prematurely. USE BABY WIPES and/or good quality bathroom tissue for this reason.

Nothing is eaten during the three days. If you get hungry in the evening, Dr. Christopher recommends eating celery or the matching fruit. For example, if drinking apple juice eat an apple or two. If carrot juice was your choice of juice and you are hungry, eat 1 to 2 carrots (or celery). I've never needed to do this.

The following is just a portion of the second part of this three-part cleanse. They are the foods Dr. Christopher recommends you avoid once the three-day fast is over. These foods are mucus forming and harmful to your health when eaten regularly and long term; therefore, they should be cut back on, eliminated from your diet, or saved for special occasions. I give you the list in case mucus is an ongoing problem – know too that one cleanse isn't always enough.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Salt – good quality Himalayan should be an exception
  • Eggs – were used to build homes back in Italy for their stickiness. Moderation and with regular cleansing is my belief
  • Sugar – and its unhealthy alternatives are huge culprits to dis-ease.
  • Meat – if eaten have them be organic. Dr. Christopher recommends white fish once a week.
  • Milk and Dairy – very mucus forming and extremely high in cholesterol, especially butter. Unless raw.
  • Flour and Flour Products – when flour is heated and baked it becomes very mucus forming, has no life, and is no longer a food. Think of Papier-mâché and how hard it gets. Imagine what it does to your insides.

This is an excellent cleanse, but it does require you to be near facilities (at least the first day). Like the Master Cleanse, it can be a bit extreme for some. You are drinking a lot and often, so bowel movements may likely be in the form of liquid. Dr. Christopher says we will eliminate approximately three gallons of toxic lymph in the three days; this is an important reason for drinking three gallons of juice. If this juice (and water) were not taken in, you could become dehydrated and/or deficient.

Dr. Christopher's booklet includes a list of supplement recommendations. Cayenne powder (also known as African Bird Pepper) is on that list. This is why I add it to my prune juice. This herb helps release the mucus from the tissues and body system as a whole. It is added to my formulas because it makes them more effective. Dr. Christopher has a few other recommendations that you can read about in his booklet.

If you are susceptible to colds and flu, and mucus and phlegm are a problem, be sure to blow that mucus out your nose and/or spit it out, DO NOT SWALLOW or take a pill to dry it up! I have seen adults and kids both swallow. Ugh! Aside from being horribly disgusting and literally sickening – what you're doing is recycling the waste, which causes more problems and prolongs ever getting well.

You may want to invest in, or treat yourself to, a Neti Pot. Most are made of ceramic and look like a teapot. They are used to flush your sinuses, but do a whole lot more. Yogi's have used these for centuries. They can actually help every aspect of your health (body, mind, and spirit). Trust me, you'll get mucus out that you didn't even know you had! This is one "alternative" treatment some doctors agree with.

Dr. Christopher's Mucus Cleanse booklet does not tell you how to prepare for the fast, but my fasting chapter does (again, another post of info). A final note about this cleanse… until you know the powerful effects of this cleanse, use caution when passing gas. Your stools may be loose and you may expel more than just air – no joke.

As I wind down on my 3rd day, here's what I added to this cleanse (this time around).

  • coffee enema each morning
  • hot water with lemon before my 7:30AM drink and for my 8PM drink (and beyond if cold)
  • took my Clean' Lean -Part B (CLB) twice/daily to pull more waste out (and get me from Point A to Point B without pooping) yesterday.
  • hot baths
  • dry skin brushing
  • added diatomaceous earth to some of my water (CLB also has some in it)
  • UPDATE (10-10-13) – ate a modified version of Dr. Schulze's potassium/vegetable broth with avocado (blended) around 7pm to warm me up. This is the broth used during his Incurables Program, from his book, There Are No Incurable Diseases.

Aside from the weather turning cold, I feel great and look forward to some warming soups/broths (fresh juices and salads) to wean myself off the fast. Cheers to a happy healthier YOU!

"I have found that it is virtually impossible to become younger with a body filled with debris which should have been expelled and eliminated years ago."  ~Dr. N.W. Walker, D.Sc.~

About Carmen

Author, Coach, and Herbalsita POWERED BY: Real Food and barefoot walking/running. Connect with Carmen on Google+

Dr Christopher's Three Day Cleansing Program and Mucusless Diet
